DIY Children Shaving Cream Art

DIY Shaving Cream Art

Rainy mornings inside can be tough for my energetic toddlers. So when the rain ends and the sun finally shines through I try to harness my children's creative energy by creating a fun craft outside. I am excited to share this particular tutorial because it is toddler approved and I know I will cherish it for years to come.  

DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

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For this DIY project, you will need:

  • Food Coloring
  • Shaving Cream
  • Squeegee or something with a flat surface like a ruler
  • Watercolor Paper
  • Disposable Pan
  • Kraft Paper to keep the surface below the picture clean, and to hold the artwork as it dries
  • Painter's Tape to secure the Kraft paper to the ground
  • Paper Towel to clean the shaving cream mess off the squeegee
  • Plastic Knife to make a design
  • As with all projects involving toddlers: PATIENCE
  • *Please make sure that your children do not swallow the shaving cream. Ensure that they thoroughly wash their hands after this project is over. 

    To start off find a nice clean, dry place outside. Secure the Kraft paper to the ground with painter's tape. Spray the shaving cream into the disposable pan until the bottom is evenly coated.

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Once you have an even layer of shaving cream, start to apply the drops of food coloring into your shaving cream. For food safety, be careful not to touch the tip of the food coloring with the shaving cream. For this reason, I keep two sets of food coloring in the house. One set for my crafting and one set for my baking.

    This is where you and your children can have fun. Place the food coloring droplets sporadically throughout the shaving cream. The more food coloring you add, the stronger the pigment will be on your final art piece. You can decide to use all of the colors like we did, or keep your color palette to one or two colors. Do what your creative heart desires!

    As you can see, my son had a lot of fun with this part. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Once you add the food coloring take the plastic knife, and start to run the colors together to create a swirl effect. You can choose to skip this step if you want a splotchy effect. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Once you have achieved the desired color mixture, place the watercolor paper directly and evenly onto the shaving cream. Then firmly press all four corners of the paper into the solution. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Once you feel the paper has good solution coverage you can pull the paper off of the shaving cream and set it aside onto the Kraft paper. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Then take your squeegee and (with one stroke) start at the very top of the paper and press down to the bottom of the paper as you release the shaving cream from the paper. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Use your paper towel to remove any excess shaving cream from the squeegee. Let your fresh artwork rest and dry. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork

    Repeat the steps over by adding more food coloring and swirling, before you add the paper again. 

    It will take about an hour to dry. However, let the paper dry a full 24 hours until you incorporate it into a project. 

    This piece is very versatile. It can be a stand alone piece as I have it below, or it can become a unique card for someone special, or it can become the matte mount for another image to go on top. 

    I hope you enjoy making this project as much as you enjoy the final product. 

    DIY Shaving Cream Artwork
    DIY Shaving Cream Toddler Artwork