Conversation Hearts Decor for Valentine's Day Tree

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I think conversation hearts are super charming, but I don’t like the taste of them. So when I was deciding how to decorate my Valentine’s Day Tree I thought oversized conversation hearts that act as decor would make the perfect ornament for my pink tree. And, I was right! I love how simple this project was to make, and I love the colorful and whimsical impact they bring to my pink Valentine’s Day Tree.

You may remember that I purchased a 7.5” Flocked Pink King of Christmas Tree for my studio for Christmas last year. I loved having the tree up so much for Christmas that I decided to keep it up year round, and decorate it for each season. So, I kept the large baubles, disco balls, velvet ribbon bows, and garland and added some mustard yellow ribbon and my handmade conversation hearts decor. The end result is sweet yet refreshing, and it brings all of the beautiful Valentine’s Day cheer to my studio!

Conversation Hearts Decor for Pink Valentine's Day Tree

Today I want to show you how to make your own conversation hearts decor. You can add them to a Valentine’s Day present, as part of a garland, or on your Valentine’s Day Tree like I did. The beauty with today’s DIY is that you can customize the color palette and the sayings to whatever your heart desires. I chose words that were inspiring to me in the studio. Whatever you decide, I hope that you have fun!

Enjoy this Video Below Showcasing How To Make Your Own Conversation Hearts Decor for Valentine’s Day

Continue Below to Make your own Conversation Hearts Decor

How to Make a Wooden Conversations Heart Decoration

To create your own conversation hearts decor, you will need:

Paint the Wooden Hearts

Paint a Wooden Heart

Choose a color palette.

Before I start any project, my first step is to choose a color palette. I like to stay within 3-5 colors. I love the look of pinks with mustard yellow and so I went with three different shades of pink and two shades of yellow for this project. I love how it turned out, and how it looks against the pink Valentine’s Day tree.

Paint the Sides of a Large Wooden Heart

Once you choose a color palette, use a foam brush and apply one coat of craft paint to one side of the wooden heart. Paint the sides of the wooden heart as well.

Paint a Wooden Heart with Craft Paint

Once the first coat is dry, apply a second coat of the paint to the wooden heart then let it dry.

Create the Conversation Heart Phrases

Remove the Lettering from the Cricut Word

With the help of a cutting machine, cut out simple sayings onto vinyl.

I chose sayings that inspired me in the craft studio: Craft Happy, Create Today, Be Kind, Laugh Often, and Love Big.

Have fun with this part of the personalization process.

Apply the Transfer Tape to the Cricut Words

Once you weed the vinyl from the letters, apply transfer tape to letters.

Secure the Letters onto the Transfer Tape

Use the scraper to apply pressure to the vinyl so that the letters adhere to the vinyl.

Peel off the Letters from the Transfer Tape

Then carefully peel the letters from the backing.

Attach the letters to the wooden heart

Apply the transfer tape to the center of the painted wooden heart.

Secure the letters to the wooden heart

Use the scraper to attach the letters to the wooden heart.

Add the sayings to the wooden hearts

Slowly remove the transfer tape to reveal the charming conversation hearts.

Turn the Conversation Hearts Decor into Ornaments for the Valentine’s Day Tree

Twist Wire to Create the Hanger for the Conversation Hearts Decor

Add the hangers to the back of the wooden hearts.

Cut a piece of wire to about 6 inches, then twist it into a loop.

Hot glue the wire to the back of the conversation hearts

Add hot glue to the back of the ornament at the top. Then attach the wire loop to the hot glue.

Create the Hanger for the Wooden Conversation Hearts

Once the hot glue dries you are ready to hang the ornament.

Enjoy your Conversations Hearts Decor for your Valentine’s Day Tree

Conversation Hearts Decor

I just love how these conversation hearts add so much to my Valentine’s Day Tree. Knowing how simple and fun they were to make, makes me even happier!

I know I will cherish these for many Valentine’s Days to come!

Conversation Hearts Decor for Valentines's Day Tree

Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoy making your own conversation hearts decor just as much as I did!

DIY Conversation Hearts Decor

I believe crafting is more fun when we share our projects. Please email me at, or please tag me @thecountrypeony or #countrypeony to show me your beautiful, custom creations!

Thank you so much for following along!

Make Your Own Conversation Hearts Decor
Conversation Hearts Decor
Conversation Hearts Decor