Wool Roving for Needle Felting

Wool Roving

Needle Felting

I started needle felting several years ago, and I have fallen in love with it! I love how the process has encouraged me to slow down, and get creative with different techniques and color stories. If you want to learn more about needle felting, I created a Needle Felting 101 course for beginners that you can find HERE. Today we are talking about wool roving, but here is a recent blog post that I created about my favorite needle felting tools and a blog post on the Do’s & Don’ts of Needle Felting.

What is Wool Roving?

Wool roving is the fiber that is used for needle felting. Wool roving is the step before the fiber is spun into yarn. One of the reasons that I love needle felting so much is because I am inspired by the fibers and the medium that you use for it, like wool roving. In today’s blog post I want to tell you about wool roving, what types I like to use, and where I like to find my wool roving!

Needle Felting for Beginners Course

Before we get started I wanted to tell you about my Needle Felting 101 course. As I shared more about my needle felting journey, I got many questions from readers about how to start needle felting and so I created a beginner friendly course just for you! You can see all of the details HERE, and you can use the code “youtube” for $20 off the course!

Please enjoy this video highlighting wool roving I like to use and where I like to purchase it from!

Wool Roving for Needle Felting

From experience, I recommend using 100% wool roving versus synthetic. I have found that the synthetic wool roving has larger fibers that don’t blend as well. Unless you are allergic to wool, I recommend using 100% wool.

There are so many incredible options at afforable prices in beautiful color stories available.

Where to Buy Wool Roving

*This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my disclosure page here.

As needle felting has become more popular, I have seen wool roving available at major craft stores and at online retailers. Like when I am shopping for fabric or yarn I prefer to shop for wool roving in person so I can see the color saturations and feel the quality of the wool, but there are some incredible online resources as well. Please enjoy a list to get you started below:

  • This is a great starter kit from Amazon. The sizes are small, but the color are plenty and I love the variety! Shop the kit HERE.

  • Clover makes some great quality wool roving available through Amazon. Shop the wool roving HERE.

  • I like this kit from Michaels, and I have used this brand before. Shop it HERE.

  • I also have and enjoy this kit from Michaels. Shop it HERE.

  • The Woolery also has some great options for wool roving.

Where to Store Wool Roving for Needle Felting

Wool can be subject to bugs and moisture, so I recommend storing your wool in airtight containers. I also suggest storing them in clear containers so you can see all of the beautiful options you have for your projects!

I store mine in vintage Target plastic containers that I found thrifting, and I love seeing them and being inspired by their colors in my storage room!

I hope this blog post has helped you learn more about wool roving and where to buy it! I would love to invite you to learn more about needle felting by joining my Needle Felting 101 course. As a reminder, please use the code “youtube” for $20 off!

Thank you so much for following along!